Happy Souls

We are on a mission to discover and capture happy poses from 10,000 souls around the globe. We encounter them in our normal interactions, whether at a restaurant, on a park bench, or while walking on the streets.

We believe that everyone has a special spark inside that ignites all around them. We are truly blessed to be a part of the oneness of unconditionally loving energy that radiates, vibrates, and connects all.

Alexander Dezan and Dr. Sackeria Sunshine

Alexander Dezan and Dr. Sackeria Sunshine of Discovered Souls

About Us

Over the years, we’ve experienced many challenges and triumphs, including:

🦋depression and laughter;

🦋poverty and riches;

🦋addiction and recovery;

🦋trauma and healing.

We are the same as you. We all have our ups and downs. Some may seem relatively more difficult, but we are always prepared for what comes our way. Through Unconditional Love and Gratitude, we overcame these challenges and continue to do so every single moment.

Life is a learning place for us to evolve and grow. We are super grateful to be here today to share with the world the challenges we’ve overcome and how every one of us has the power to:

Live Happy and Free