Our Story

Alexander Dezan and Dr. Sackeria Sunshine of Discovered Souls

Alexander Dezan and Dr. Sackeria Sunshine of Discovered Souls

On May 11, 2021, in the vast realm of connections, two souls named Sackeria and Alex discovered a profound bond that transcended time and space. They met online through LinkedIn, initially drawn together by their shared interests and aspirations.

As they engaged in conversations, they became more than acquaintances; they became best friends. Sackeria and Alex supported each other through the ups and downs, overcoming challenges together with unwavering support and understanding.

Deep in their hearts, they believed that "God is love" and "love is eternal." They recognized the divinity within themselves and each other, embracing the serenity that came with their connection. Their love extended beyond the physical realm, encompassing the depths of their souls.

With a shared vision of making a global impact, Sackeria and Alex realized their souls had discovered something extraordinary. They were soulmates, destined to embark on a journey of love, growth, and transformation.

Their love was genuine, built on a foundation of trust, respect, and unconditional love. They found endless joy in each other's presence, cherishing the moments they spent together as if time stood still.

Food Lovers

Tara, Server Bier Market
Ardo Restaurant

While their love nourished their souls, Sackeria and Alex shared a passion for food. They were true food lovers, delighting in exploring new cuisines and savouring the flavours that brought them comfort and joy. Their love for food became a metaphor for their connection—soul food that nurtured their spirits.

They embarked on a culinary journey, travelling far and wide, reviewing restaurants of various cuisines. But it wasn't just about the food for them; they believed in the power of human connections and how a kind word could impact someone's day. 

With each visit, they savoured the flavours and shared love, encouragement, and deep soul connections with the servers. Their genuine appreciation for the art of gastronomy transcended mere culinary expertise. Sackeria and Alex saw the servers not just as the intermediaries between the kitchen and the table but as unsung heroes, artists in their own right. 

They took time to learn their stories, to appreciate their dedication and hard work. Their words of encouragement and genuine interest left a lasting impression on the servers, who felt seen and valued in a way they had never experienced before. As Sackeria and Alex continued their culinary journey, they left behind a trail of inspired souls, servers who found renewed joy in their craft, and a ripple of positivity that touched the lives of everyone they encountered.


Alexander Dezan and Dr. Sackeria Sunshine of Discovered Souls

Alexander Dezan and Dr. Sackeria Sunshine of Discovered Souls 

Sackeria and Alex felt a deep sense of belonging within their connection. They knew they had found their soul family, a bond that extended beyond their individuality. As they embraced their genuine love, they realized that life was indeed good, and it kept getting better and better.

Their shared love for nature and travel became an integral part of their soul purpose. They recognized that they were co-creators of their destiny, and together they embarked on adventures that enriched their souls and positively impacted the world around them.

As they journeyed hand in hand, their love blossomed, and they discovered the true meaning of abundant wealth. It was not just material possessions but the richness of love, experiences, and connections that truly made them feel prosperous.

With their love as the guiding force, Sackeria and Alex experienced perfect health—vibrant and full of vitality. They nurtured their bodies, minds, and spirits, prioritizing their well-being and supporting each other on their individual paths to wholeness.

Their souls were intertwined in a dance of love and joy, and they knew their connection was extraordinary. They cherished the present moment while eagerly envisioning a future filled with endless possibilities.

Together, Sackeria and Alex realized that their love was not limited to themselves alone; it had the power to touch the lives of others and make a positive impact on the world. They embrace their role as co-creators, spreading love and gratitude wherever they go.