10,000 Happy Souls

Weaving a tapestry of happiness around the globe, one soul at a time.

Alex and Sackeria stand out as extraordinary souls, their connection defying the limitations of time and space. United by a profound bond, they embark on a remarkable journey, their hearts intertwined in a shared purpose. Their mission? Nothing short of capturing the essence of 10,000 happy souls scattered across the globe.

As they traverse the vast tapestry of cultures, languages, and landscapes, Alex and Sackeria radiate a palpable energy that ignites the spirits of those they encounter. With each interaction, they leave an indelible mark, imprinting joy and spreading contagious inspiration wherever they go.

May you find your soul mission as you read about these inspirational soul encounters, and may our paths intersect with those who ignite our spirits and fuel our passions. For in the union of kindred souls lies the power to change the world, one radiant smile at a time.

#33:  Subhrajyoti

Princess Cruises Staff,


"Commitment sparks lasting change." 

#32: Serafin

Princess Cruises Staff,


"Dedication breeds excellence." 

#31:  Tom 

Cruise Friend,


"Perseverance fuels unstoppable journeys." 

#30: Jennifer

Amazing Soul

Ensenada, Mexico

"Hope lights up the darkest paths." 

#29: Ian

Princess Cruises Staff,


"Love conquers all fears."

#28:   Catalin & Davide

Princess Cruises Staff,

Romania & Italy

"Faith moves mountains.” 

#27: Zaza

Princess Cruises Staff

North Macedonia

“Believe in yourself and make it happen.”

#26: Harolyn

Terminal Staff,

San Diego

“Pray first, aim high, stay focused.”

#25:   Parradii & Friend

Princess Cruises Staff


"Embrace the journey, enjoy the process." 

#24: Marinko

Marinko's Dersserts, San Francisco

"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you." 

#23: Ariel

Princess Cruises Staff, Philippines

"Do your thing." 

#22:   Stephanie, Server

Slate, Toronto

"You are amazing just the way you are." 

Vee, Server at Kelly's Landing (Toronto)

#21: Vee, Server

Kelly's Landing, Toronto

"Be a rainbow in someone else's cloud."

Bruno, Server at Mill St. Brewpub (Toronto)

#20: Bruno, Server

Mill St. Brewpub, Toronto

"The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart."

Sharm, Uber Eats Delivery (Toronto)

#19:  Sharm, Uber Eats

Guerrilla Burgers, Toronto

"Be Bold. Be Brave. Be YOU."

Terry, Owner at Patrician Grill (Toronto)

#18: Terry, Owner

Patrician Grill, Toronto

"Happiness is seeing life for what it is in all the little moments."

Del, Server at Patrician Grill (Toronto)

#17: Del, Server

Patrician Grill, Toronto

"Focus on stressing less and feeling blessed."

Chris, Chef at Patrician Grill (Toronto)

#16: Chris, Chef

Patrician Grill, Toronto

"Never regret anything that made you smile."

Marcus, Server at Piano Piano (Toronto)

#15:  Marcus, Server

Piano Piano, Toronto

"Believe in yourself, and you will be unstoppable."

Daryl, Owner at Mavericks (Toronto)

#14:  Daryl, Owner

Mavericks Burger, Toronto

"Always choose love."

Robert, Server at The KEG (Toronto)

#13:  Robert, Server

The KEG, Toronto

"Music makes me happy."

Sahil, Server at Stoney's (Oakville)

#12:  Sahil, Server

Stoney's, Oakville

"Be the reason someone smiles today."

Jasmine and JC (Toronto)

#11: Jasmine & JC

T3 Bayside, Toronto

"We deserve the best."

James, Server at Bar St. Lo (Toronto)

#10:  James, Server

Bar St. Lo, Toronto

"Winning doesn't mean being first. Winning means that you are doing better than you've done before."

Bellen, Server at Avelo (Toronto)

#9:  Bellen & Friend, Servers

Avelo Restaurant, Toronto

"Amazing things happen when you try."

Rea, Writer from Israel

#8:  Rea, Writer

From Israel

"In a world where you can be anything: BE KIND."

Blake, Server at The Old Spaghetti Factory (Toronto)

"Keep up the good work."

Tara, Server at BierMarkt (Toronto)

#6:  Tara, Server

BierMarkt, Toronto

"From small beginnings come great things."

Jewryd, Server at Eggspectation (Toronto)

#5:  Jewryd, Server

Eggspectation, Toronto

"Never ever give up."

Liz, Family (Burlington)

#4: Liz, Family


"You are awesome."

Charles, Owner at Underwood Insurance (Remington)

"Don't stop believing."

Justin, Server at Viceroy Rooftop Bar (Chicago)

#2:  Justin, Server

Viceroy Rooftop Bar, Chicago

"Enjoy today." 

Harsh, Concierge (Toronto)

East 55 Condos, Toronto 

"There is a magic about you that is all your own." Read More